Tag Archives: business

Why Every City Needs A SCRAP

31 Jan

If you are an avid reader of my blog, or have purchased any of the items from my etsy shop (stufffromvenus.esty.com) you may have heard me mention a non-profit origination by the name SCRAP.  I must add this note: If you have any friends looking to start a non-profit I suggest you let them in on Portland’s best known secret for craft geeks such as I.

So what is SCRAP exactly?  Well you can visit their website at http://scrappdx.org/ to get a few pictures and ideas, as well as make a donation, but I feel that the proof is in the pudding. SCRAP founders had the novel idea of taking items that can be reused out of the landfills and teaching imaginative people, both young and old, how to think about reuse.  Companies that have an overstock of old promotional items, office equipment, or even ordinary people with too much craft stuff, donate their unwanted or unused goods, and the crafters such as I can swoop in and purchase them for a fraction of the price of a craft store.  Here is a photo of my recently acquired bootee…

I recently paid a visit to SCRAP, (which happens about once a month) and bought the following for ten dollars and thirty cents.

Circle Pattern Fabric   50 cents (1 yard)

Bundle of White Lace   25 cents (about 3 yards)

 Red and Silver Wire   25 cents each

 Sparkle Red and Gray yarn  $1 a skein

 1 inch of White Cardstock  $1.30

 Pouch of Fake Pearl Beads  75 cents

Big Spool of Ribbon 50 cents

Small Spool of Ribbon 25 cents

3 Photo Albums   25 cents each

Embroidery Thread 10 cents each

Bracelet Ends 25 cents

Bags of Cotton Fibers   50 cents each

5 zippers    25 cents each

 To some this would be considered trash, but to me this is a PROJECT!  So what to do now?  Well here my crazy plan my lovely blog readers… I plan on using every bit of my purchases to create, and I plan to take you along on this journey.

For the next few weeks I will blog the projects that are in place to help me start my business from home using these very inexpensive items.  Yes 10 bucks and some change can help you too start a biz as well, and I will share my secrets with you.

I will link items on the above list to the projects I will do as they are finished.  This will give you a direct link to other blog entries, so that you can see what I used each item for.

This is a long list of craft gear I assure you, and it will keep me engaged for a while I am sure!  So let’s get to it!